The debut album from Solareye, All These People Are Me is out now.
Championing oddness and outsiderdom, the record channels anger, subverts humour, makes observations and stays stubbornly optimistic. Supported by Creative Scotland, the album was produced by Glasgow-based Dunt and Harvey Kartel, and mixed by SAW (Stephen A Watkins).
The album is a high functioning schizophrenic. And argues that everyone else is too. It is hip-hop for hip-hop heads, alternative for the alternators, threadbare soul music for the digital age. It tells stories, paints pictures, raps about rapping and pushes some boundaries along the way.
Solareye says: “All These People Are Me is about how we’re all complex, contradictory human things that don’t fit into easily defined boxes. Or maybe it’s just a way to write an album that’s half thoughtful ponderings/ half braggadocious rap and justify it by going – ‘that’s the human condition mate’.”
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